
Oct 1, 2009

Feng Shui and Area Rugs - The Deeper Connection

There is so much more about decorating your homes the Asian way than just having the right furniture, colors and patterns. Asian home decor goes at a much deeper level, so much so that experts have spent centuries perfecting an art dedicated to it. There exists the Asian practice of Feng Shui, which places great emphasis on object positioning and spacing inside a room. While area rugs may not seem to have a direct influence on object positioning per se, it doesn't mean that they are less important when home decor is concerned.

Admittedly, area rugs don't get in the way -people just step on them. However, they also contribute to the energy flow in the room all the same. One of the key factors to consider is the rug's color. To emphasize the energy of a room with lots of activity, use fire colors such as red, orange and vibrant yellow. Earth colors such as light yellow and beige symbolize stability and protection, and would be good to have inside bedrooms. Places like study rooms should have rugs colored either gray or white, metal colors that improves clarity of mind.

Area rugs with the water colors blue and black represent purity and freshness, and can be put inside the east areas of your kitchen. Finally, wood colors are pretty good to have all around, since it represents health and vitality. Here, it becomes pretty clear that even your rug's color plays a big role in Asian home decor.

Texture is another factor to keep in mind when choosing a rug for your room, and this should differ from room to room depending on what kind of energy you want to attract. Silk and other synthetic rugs complement fire-themed rooms, while fabrics such as cotton and linen are suited for wood ones. See-through fabrics signify the water sign, and bulky check-patterned rugs are for earth.

Rugs in this setting don't need to take up that much space. Make sure that it's just enough to be noticeable and should not be in the way of other objects and furniture inside the room. Living rooms and bedrooms may have to be bigger depending on how much of the floor you want to cover.

Pattern-wise, try to be diverse in your choices. Some should be geometric and symmetrical in design, and squares are highly recommended for those going for the stable look. Pointed shapes in your rug designs represent activity, while round shapes symbolize concentration. Organic designs and wavy patterns have known soothing and revitalizing properties.

Keep in mind that Asian-themed homes have a lot more to them than just the right furniture and accessories, so take Feng Shui into consideration. Arrange your furniture to minimize energy obstruction, and your rug can meld everything together. So it turns out that choosing your area rug according to ancient Asian practices may seem to make the task of selecting one more difficult, but it helps a lot especially when you want your Asian home decor to be as authentic as possible.

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